
Special Herbs From The Desert by Santa Fe Sir Kal

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Openly presenting a cultural and personal deep-dive into historical context and the individual experience, Santa Fe Sir Kal‘s debut album takes intention and artistry to profound and complex new depths. Far from simply a musical ode to black history, Special Herbs From The Desert, The Album brings together cinematic intricacies, fascinating elements of hip hop, jazz, soul, funk, and a plethora of scene-setting tools – all of which is eye-opening and often unsettling in nature. Santa Fe Sir Kal is a creative artist from New Mexico US. 

This amazing soul is an unusual artist . He continues to bring 12 bit music while almost every beat is now composed on DAW. Sampled on vinyls, his melodies are rich and powerful, at the same time aliasing created by sound structuration gives a deep return to hip hop origins.  Many fans love the nostalgic vibe he brings with his songs. He has been working with many artists mixing and breaking beats since 1990’s. With the experience he got he has mastered the art of keeping our attention. An intentional and well-structured project, which operates all at once as a documentary, playlist, and open letter to those who don’t fully know or understand the tribulations and terrors of life for slaves and their descendants.

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