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Chameleon is a rap style track with a brightness to its musicality and an impressively varied pace and engaging consciousness to its rhythmic backbone. The seemingly simple arrangement misleads – the profoundly conscious nature of the lyrics proves far from satisfying with a single listen.

Sky is an up and coming artist releasing his debut song Chameleon on Youtube. He is based in Lincoln, Nebraska and makes music from humble beginnings to making a name for himself.

The music of Chameleon is easy to love – simple good vibes, delicate and dreamy, uplifting and optimistic. Complimentary vocals fills up melodic but straightforward tunes bringing an extra shine to the song. Sky’s vocals are bold, positive and confident but delivered in a humble way to catch up the listener’s attention. An infectious hook follows in the background to infect your ears after the song finishes by not going away. Computerized beats make you move subconsiously but rhythmically; however, Chameleon finishes before you get to feel the music and rhythm wholeheartedly.

Chameleon has a catchy and raw production that is authentic—quite good creation for a debut release.

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