
Unsolved Mysteries by Santa Fe Yamashta

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Santa Fe Sir Kal is a Hip Hop talented artist. He is a aspiring conceptual beat maker working on real sound preservation. He is proposing art pieces to hip hop lovers who are getting wiser with time. He spend more than 25 years on mpc, He have a massive list of collaborations with him, but his purpose is at another level. 

He is only working on 12bit devices like J Dilla, MF Doom or Dj premier. especially on mpc60 mk2, sp1200 and sp12. His purpose is to keep the origins of hip hop alive and to propose sounds which are created without DAW. He is not about FL studio. but about real samplers of the early 80s and 90s. His Sounds are created from samples that have been digged along the years on worldwide vinyl’s,

Real origins of hip hop is coming from soul music and most of the sounds are related to a soul concept. Santa Fe Yamashta not mainstream, He is proposing pieces of art to hip hop lovers which are getting wiser with the time.

He has released many songs on Youtube. Every time he is trying to give his best product to his audience. Today we are going to featuring his new release on youtube. Let’s go to the video. 

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