
Flow Demoníaco by Anachronic

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An immediately expressive and infectious hook starts off this new release from Anachronic in the best possible way. An exciting track that gives you both chills and energy with attractive vocal styles.

Anachronic is a rap/trap artist who lives in Tulare, California, united states. He is an autodidact singer/rapper. He sings in the Spanish Language with an engaging, authentic style.

Progressing from the authentic, melodic and angsty confidence of the hook and intro,  Flow Demoníaco drives on to bring in a heavy rap vocal and cleanly mixed, offering a mighty contrast with a chilling swagger hook and the soundscape.

Great bars, clever word-play, fresh rhymes, a clear sense of identity in the lyrics & demonic type vocals that give the listener chills make this single special and unique. The horror and the feelings you get from Flow Demoníaco are something you wouldn’t get from a typical song.

Anachronic succeeded in providing excellent vocals that flow from different styles, from usual singing to frightening vocals. The lyrics are written in the Spanish language, and it is done flawlessly—a must-listen song without a doubt.

Listen to Flow Demoníaco on Spotify. Follow Anachronic on Instagram.

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